2012年8月23日 星期四

Positive Minutes (Hour of Power) - Aug 22



「神阿、祢的意念向我何等寶貴,其數何等眾多。我若數點,比海沙更多;我睡醒的時候,仍和祢同在。」 詩篇13917-18




禱告: 主啊!每一天,對於我自己是誰,我感到更有信心,因為我知道祢愛和接受真的我。請幫助我,讓我明白我確是祢寶貴的孩子。阿們!

反思: 想像你自己在與主對話。耶穌會對你說什麼?

22 August, 2012

Christ's goodness in you...

"How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!"  - Psalm 139:17-18a, NLT
Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves. Too much introspection can strip away our self-esteem as we notice every fault of our inner person to the point where we see little else.

When I think of the people I know, I see deserving winners. Good people! They may disagree with me, zeroing in on every blemish and flaw. To stand before God and claim a sterling record goes against the grain for most people.

Certainly, a clear view of one's helplessness is necessary for reaching out to the Lord. But a total negating of self denies Christ's goodness shining through us. The mental gymnastics of figuring out if we are good or bad need not engage us. Let's come boldly to God in Jesus' name!
Prayer: Lord, every day I feel more confident about who I am because I know You love and accept me as I am. Help me to understand that I truly am Your precious child. Amen.
Reflection: Imagine yourself in a conversation with the Lord. What would Jesus say about you?
