2012年10月10日 星期三

Positive Minute (Hour of Power) - Oct 10

「… 你們得力在乎平靜安穩…」以賽亞書3015
自四年前的金融海嘯,我們最終學會的功課,就是在各個機構中,在各項社會運動裡,品格是最重要的。我們察覺到,我們在世上需要有品格的人 那些人基本上不在乎人怎樣想,不計較他們的名聲,而是重視自己的品格,是正確的事就會去做。
10 October 2012

Character counts...
"...In quietness and confidence is your strength..." - Isaiah 30:15c, NLT

If we've learned something in the last, what, four years since the great collapse in our economy, it is that character is the most important thing in any organization, in any movement. We've discovered that what we need in our world are people of character - men and women who primarily care not about what people think, not about their own reputations, but about character - doing what is right just for the sake of doing it.

We've come to care more about who we really are, and whom that other person is deep down inside. That's what matters.
Character is what gives strength and power to any movement of God. However, it's not just in the leader that needs good character, but also in all the people involved in any organization. We must all be people of true character, people who really love doing good. Just love it.

Let's truly love people and care deeply about what God thinks about us, and care less about what anybody else thinks. Together, let's depend on God's strength and truth in us, as believers, to be people of good character helping others selflessly in times such as these.

Prayer: Spirit of God, in quietness and confidence is my strength for living today. Help me to take in this truth, and then help others, as is Your will for me, in times such as these and for the rest of my life on earth. Amen.

Reflection: How has character helped you during hard times? How has a lack of character in missteps or misdeeds hurt you or others? What are you doing, today, in God's strength to help others in need?
