2012年8月7日 星期二

Positive Minutes (Hour of Power) - Aug 6




德國心理分析學維克托 ‧ 弗蘭克曾在「權能時間」作嘉賓,也是我爺爺尊敬的朋友。他是一個偉大的思想家,特別關於人類的苦難。他的智慧是來自他的親身經歷。在二次世界大戰期間,他被拘留於集中營裡,只因他是個猶太人。他受到的對待,無論在肉體上和精神上,都受盡折騰,比牲畜更糟,失盡所有的尊嚴。



禱告 今天,主啊!我不要看我周遭的環境如何。相反,我要仰望祢,來支取我需要的力量,以面對人生的跌宕起伏。阿們!

反思: 你是否在等待「最佳的時間或最佳的境況,才去開展某些事情或為你人生帶來改變?你在等什麼?

6 Aug 2012

It's your choice...

"When the clouds are full of water, it rains. When the wind blows down a tree, it lies where it falls. Don't sit there watching the wind. Do your own work. Don't stare at the clouds. Get on with your life."  - Ecclesiastes 11:3-4, MSG

German psychoanalyst Viktor Frankl, a past Hour of Power guest and esteemed friend of my grandfather, was such a great thinker when it came to human suffering. His wisdom came from experience. During WWII, he was interred in a concentration camp merely because he was born a Jew. He was treated worse than an animal, physically and mentally abused until all dignity was gone.

Over 75% of the Jews that were interned in concentration camps died. So, all around him, Viktor saw people he respected and loved - his friends, his family, intelligent, wonderful people - dying left and right. Viktor was brought down to the bare-bones-soul of what it meant to live with nothing in the midst of the most heinous and treacherous suffering.

Later, he gave us tremendous wisdom when he said, "Even when they take away your dignity, even when they take away your clothes, and your warmth, even when they take everything away from you, there is one thing they can never take from you - your ability to choose how you will respond." It's your choice on how you will respond to imperfect conditions - that is something that no one can ever take away from you.

Prayer :        Today, Lord, I am not going to look at the conditions around me. Instead, I am looking to you for the strength I need to face the ups and downs of life. Amen.Reflection :       Are you waiting for the "perfect time" or the perfect set of circumstances to start something or change something in your life? What are you waiting for?

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