2012年1月29日 星期日
南北之分差, 寒熱之一線
2012年1月28日 星期六
2012年1月18日 星期三
因為祖母去世的關係, 有機會重遇失散多年的姑姐們及一些從未見過的表弟妹, 在他們的印象中我只是一位6歲的小女孩, 如果不是神的恩典我相信可能一生再不可能重遇。
2012年1月11日 星期三
2012年1月10日 星期二
愛死了~~~~Digital Harinezumi 2
2012年1月9日 星期一
A Positive Minute Inspiration from 'Hour of Power' Jan 9
“弟兄們,我靠著我們的主耶穌基督,憑著聖靈的慈愛,勸你們和我一同竭力為我向 神祈禱。”羅馬書15章30節
我記得從蕭律柏博士學到的第一個原則,他稱之為「祈禱的超越權能」— 神如何藉我們的禱告,成就超乎我們所求所想的事。沒有人,就連保羅他自己,也不能從預計或想像到他自己所說的話,在其後的二千年成就數以百萬,甚至數以十億計的人身上。可見神確實回應了保羅那謙卑的祈求,使他的服侍超越世代,並蒙「悅納」。
你今天向神發出或說出什麼帶有超越權能的祈禱?保羅的禱告在2000年前啟動了,至今仍在結豐碩的果子。當你為子女或孫兒祈禱時......你祈禱的能力有何等的長闊高深?我們只能仰望神來成就積極的果效 — 並相信祂回應你的祈禱,是帶有超越的權能。
9 Jan 2012
The Reach of Prayer
“Now I beg you, brethren, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in prayers to God for me.” -Romans 15:30
In the scripture verse from Romans, above, the Apostle Paul asks believers in Rome to pray for him. A little further in the same passage, he asks specifically to be prayerfully relieved of nonbelievers in his homeland…that he’ll be able to visit those to whom he is writing in Rome, ”…and that my service may be acceptable to the saints…”
One of the first principles I remember learning from Dr. Robert H. Schuller was what he calls the “transcending power of prayer” - how God, through prayer, exceeds our human expectations. Nobody, least of all Paul himself, could have possibly predicted or imagined that his words would eventually be disseminated to millions, probably billions, of people over the next 2,000 years. God certainly transcended Paul’s humble, prayerful request that his service be found “acceptable.”
Over thirty-five years ago, when I was in my mid-20s and consumed with alcohol and a party lifestyle, my mom reminded me that it had always been her prayer that I would be a minister someday. That was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard at the time! Still, in His time, God brought me to His ministry at the Crystal Cathedral.
What is the transcending power of a prayer that you formulate or verbalize to God today? Paul’s prayer was activated over 2,000 years ago and it’s still yielding incredible fruit. When you pray for that child or grandchild…how far, how long, how deep will the power of your prayer go? We can only look to God for the positive result - trusting in the transcending power of His answers to your prayers.
Lord God, You are the author and master of exceeding expectations. Expand my prayer, today, beyond anything I might even imagine. Amen.
Take a moment…can you think of a prayer that you prayed years ago that God answered and yielded results beyond your expectations? With this result in mind, what do you think you should pray for today?
By Jim Coleman
2012年1月3日 星期二
關關雎鳩 在河之洲 窈窕淑女 君子好逑
參差荇菜 左右流之 窈窕淑女 寤寐求之
求之不得 寤寐思服 悠哉悠哉 輾轉反側
參差荇菜 左右採之 窈窕淑女 琴瑟友之
參差荇菜 左右芼之 窈窕淑女 鐘鼓樂之
到底誰會因我而輾轉反側, 哈哈,
非因私情, 只為風月,