收到家裡的來電, 得知祖母(細麻)去世了, 心裡有點難過但並不是沒有昐望, 因為祖母已信主多年, 我們他日在天家定必再遇。反而婆婆前幾天也是經歷危險時期, 患病多年的她年事已高也是有點擔心的,神容讓婆婆存留是否因為她堅硬的心還等待我們再一次又一次的向她傳福音,期昐婆婆亦能好似祖母一樣得著永生。
老實說, 作為留學生最擔心的就是得知海外親人病倒, 也是讓我一直在外所擔心的, 主啊期昐未聞福音的家人有一天也能得著這永生。
28 Dec 2011
God is Enough!
“And if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer.” -2 Corinthians 1:6b
As a college co-ed, I lost a roommate to suicide at the age of 19. Within the last few years, two of our next-door neighbors experienced the loss of loved ones - one lost her husband at 42 to cancer, and the other lost her husband (58) and son (29) in an airplane crash. When I was a principal of a school, we experienced the loss of a child at the age of 11 to a cardiac arrest he experienced during recess.
Suffering is a part of life. And suffering is inexplicable. Although we try to root out the cause of suffering in our attempts to avoid it, suffering sometimes is just a byproduct of being alive. It is not something we deserve or caused or a punishment from God.
That is the message of Job and it is also the message of 2 Corinthians.
The friends of Job tried to tell him the same thing, saying, “You, Job must have done something awful for God to be treating you this way. Repent and He will restore!” Similarly, the friends of St. Paul accused him of not being a true apostle of Christ because he faced such tremendous persecution and sufferings. The message of both these books of the Bible is: Suffering happens. Persecution happens. Stop trying to figure out the cause and just trust God’s sovereignty through it. God is enough!
Is God enough when you’ve lost everything - loved ones, homes, careers, reputations, health? When you’ve lost everything, that’s when you can experience the most vital truth of all - that God is enough!
Lord God, You created me. You are the Lord of creation and the Lord of my life. You are ALL I need. You are not only enough - You are more than enough! Amen.
How does it help you with your current situation to believe that God is enough?
By Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman