2012年12月12日 星期三



而且感謝神, 收到畢業証書的一刻發現自己拿到了優良等級,
真的很高興 XDXDXD

2012年12月11日 星期二

Positive Mintues (Hour of Power) - Dec 10




我 的「親生」母親,了不起的媽媽麗韻,剛在半年前去世。在最近一次發給祖迪的電郵中,我這樣分享:「在這段關心我們摰愛母親的傷痛時期,主一次又一次與我們 同行的經歷,實在奇妙。我非常愛你,無論怎樣,很想在你身旁支持你。」瞬間,我最喜歡的其中幾節經文在我腦海浮現,我就與祖迪分享,希望這經文能給祖迪一 個確據,在她傷心之時,她不是孤單一人。
「兩個總比一個人好,因為二人勞碌同得美好的果效。若是跌倒,這人可以扶起他的同伴……有人攻勝孤身一人,若有二人便能敵擋他。(傳道書4:9 -1012上)
祈禱: 親愛的主!助我成為別人的朋友,藉著話語和行為,使他們振作,得著力量。 在艱難時期,感謝那些曾幫助我的朋友,支持我,幫助我度過傷痛歲月,讓我感到,我不是孤單一人。阿們!


10 Dec 2012
Two are better than one...

"A friend loves at all times..."  - Proverbs 17:17a
Judi, a dear, longtime friend since high school, called the other day. Her mom has been my "second mom" since I was a teenager, and, according to her "first" daughter, Momma Dee is not doing so well these days. Dee is still thinking with clarity, but her body has given out to a condition that has rendered her quadriplegic and totally dependent on medical personnel in the rest home she now occupies. With eyes that strain to read or watch the tiny TV mounted 15 feet from her bed, most of her hours are now spent looking out the window or napping away the day.

Needless to say, Judi is already grieving for her vibrant mother who knows that her life is fading and now yearns for her heavenly home. This loyal daughter will do everything to make her mom's life as comfortable as possible, but the waiting and the wondering if there is a better way to care for her mom weighs heavily on my friend.

My "first" mom, my wonderful mother LaVerne, passed away only six months ago. In a recent e-mail to Judi, I shared, "It's amazing that the Lord is walking us, one right after the other, through this heartbreaking season with our beloved mothers. I love you so much and want to be there for you in any way I can." Instantly, one of my favorite scriptures popped into my mind, and I shared it, hoping it would assure Judi that she is not alone in her time of heartbreak:

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble...A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer" (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10,12a)
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to be a friend to others, lifting and strengthening them through word and deed. Thank You for those friends who have helped me through times of trouble, standing back-to-back with me, helping me to get through seasons of sorrow, showing me that I am not alone. Amen.
Devotion: Who have you walked with through a time of trial, supporting and encouraging them each step of the way? Who has helped you in your times of need?

2012年12月6日 星期四


感謝主, 為我打開這一道從沒有想像過的門,