之後,路加記下了這難忘的一句:「有能力從祂(耶穌)身上出來,治好『眾人』。」不只是治好一些人,而是治好眾人;不只是選出某些人,而是治好所有人。我反而感興趣的是何以馬太、馬可、路加和約翰都有此重複的描述 — 耶穌說:「你的信使你痊癒了。」或「你的信救了你。」
7 Oct 2011
Be Healed
“And the whole multitude sought to touch Him (Jesus), for the power went out from Him and healed them all.” - Luke 6:19
A great multitude of people from all over Judea and Jerusalem and Tyre and Sidon came to hear Jesus on this day described in Luke 6:19. Luke shares with us that, within those in this great throng of people, were all manner of diseases and illnesses and unclean, indwelling spirits. No number is given, but I can imagine thousands, for the Gospels speak many times of gatherings of 5,000 men coming to hear Jesus, meaning that, when you also include the women and children, those ranks would swell to double or triple that size. Friends, this was one large gathering! And, every one in attendance was clamoring to hear Jesus and to be touched by Him.
Then Luke gives us this remarkable line: “For the power went out from Him (Jesus) and He healed them ALL!” Not just some, but all. Not just a few chosen, but all. It’s interesting to me how - repeatedly in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - Jesus says, “Your faith has made you well,” or “Your faith has healed you.”
Timeafter time healing was a matter of the faith of the person being healed…faith that God was able to perform the miracle. Now, imagine standing in that crowd and witnessing that kind of faith in not just a few, but thousands. The woman next to you is healed, then the man in front of you, then behind you, then around you, then another, and another, and another, and another, to the point where you believe anything is possible - and that’s exactly the point when you are healed! Suddenly, you say to yourself, “What took you so long to believe? This is, after all, the Christ, the Son of the living God!”
Friends, God has not stopped healing, forgiving, and saving. All you have to do is believe. That’s true for YOU today. Believe and be healed.
Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, I believe that all I have to do right now is to reach out and touch the hem of Your garment and I will be healed! In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
What miracle healing do you need today? What’s holding you back from asking for a miracle? Put whatever it is aside, imagine miracles happening all around you, and ask the Lord for the miracle you so desire. Now, wait on the Lord, and watch what happens!
By Jim Penner